Greymouth Aero Club Webcam & Weather Information

Refresh the page to see a current view from our webcam. Camera is based at the Greymouth Aero Club and is facing South East.

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Jul 28, 2024 - Sun
Greymouth, NZ
overcast clouds
9°C overcast clouds
Wind 5 Knots, E
Humidity 85%
Pressure 1022 hPa
Day Cond. Temp. Wind Humidity PressurePres.
sun jul 28
moderate rain
10/9°C 9 Knots, ENE 93% 1016 hPa
mon jul 29
heavy intensity rain
12/11°C 10 Knots, ENE 88% 1010 hPa
tue jul 30
moderate rain
10/9°C 10 Knots, ESE 93% 1009 hPa
wed jul 31
overcast clouds
11/5°C 13 Knots, ESE 53% 1016 hPa
thu aug 1
overcast clouds
12/7°C 8 Knots, ESE 53% 1019 hPa
Greymouth Airport

Greymouth Air Port ( NZGM )

  • Greymouth Airport: NZGM
  • Location: S 42 27 42 E 171 11 24°
  • Vectors: 01–19 “Sealed”
  • Group Rating: 8
  • Runway Length: Length 1091m Width 9m
  • Lights: Pal Lighting 119.1
  • Fuel: “Avgas” Z Energy Swipe Card 24H
  • Traffic Density: Light (Commercial Helicopter Operations)
  • Operator: Greymouth District Council